The interview below was taken from an hour-long BC Food & Wine Radio show hosted by Anthony Gismondi and recorded while on location at Corcelettes Estate Winery in the Similkameen Valley.
It features Charlie Baessler, Corcelettes' General Manager, winemaker and viticulturist, and Jesce Baessler, Sales & Marketing and Hospitality Manager. Usually, during our interviews with winegrowers, we have just enough time to focus on a few of the wines they make and what consumers can expect were they to visit. In this spotlight, we get the opportunity to learn about Charlie and Jesce, how they came to start the winery, and how they balance an all-encompassing work-life while raising a young family in the valley. We've included recent tasting notes of their wines below.
Stay up-to-date on British Columbians making, selling and serving wine, beer, cider, spirits and food by tuning in to BC Food & Wine Radio, hosted by Anthony Gismondi. The show plays 33 times, Thursday to Sunday, on 20 radio stations across the province. Or, find the show on your favourite podcast platform. On Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, find us a @bcfwradio, where we announce guests and list radio stations and broadcast times.
Corcelettes wines recently tasted at GOW:
Written By: ag