In typical John Schriener style, ‘Icon” is inclusive, hence nearly 100 wines made the cut.
I would have preferred a list of 15 or 20 but I have no qualms with most of the picks for top wines coming out of the chosen wineries. The book was inspired by a series of tastings Schriener attended in Richmond. The Icon series was founded by Sip Wines store owner Simon Wosk and first orchestrated by restauranteur and wine festival founder John Levine in Steveston. Schreiner’s stated objective for the book is “To encourage readers to collect verticals”, or a succession of vintages of the same wine. The book got me thinking about my favourite BC flagship wines that I would love to revisit in a ten-year vertical, including some exceptions for younger labels and producers I’m sure will eventually make it well past the decade mark. If you want a quick primer on BC's best labels while supporting a Canadian wine treasure, John Schreiner himself, this is it. Rated: Wine Reference Library
Product Details
Hardcover: 332 pages
Publisher: Touchwood Editions (May 16, 2017)
ISBN-10: 1771512075 ISBN-13: 978-1771512077
Product Dimensions: 7.5 x 0.2 x 9 inches
$25.49 on
About The Library
We read as much as we write here on GOW. The Library is a personal list of recommended books to stock your wine library shelves with, including purchasing information from
Our rating system includes:
The Very Curious Oenophile – detailed reads on wine, people, places. For wine geeks.
Wine Reference Library – worthwhile reference you will refer to often
Wine and Food Enthusiasts – pairing and enjoying life’s best things
The Muscadet of Books – light and easy to enjoy and understand