- Hardcover: 400 pages
- Publisher: Mitchell Beazley; 7th ed. edition (Oct. 8 2013)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1845336895
- ISBN-13: 978-1845336899
- Product Dimensions: 24.1 x 3.8 x 29.8 cm
- Shipping Weight: 2.1 Kg
$33.00 on Amazon.ca
About 4.5 million copies later, The World Atlas of Wine 7th edition now produced by Hugh Johnson and Jancis Robinson is out in 16 languages. Johnson and Robinson have co-written the last three editions, the most recent of which sells for $35.There are 215 maps in the new editions, from coastal Croatia, Khaketi in Georgia, Canterbury in New Zealand, Swartland in South Africa, Northern Virginia in the U.S., and Ningxia in China. Nearly 42 years after it was first published, this book is still among the top-10 required texts for wine drinkers. Prior to smart phones I broke the spine on an old atlas by Johnson and would take the relevant pages with me on my wine travels.
Rated: Wine Reference Library
$33.00 on Amazon.ca
About The Library
We read as much as we write here on GOW. The Library is a personal list of recommended books to stock your wine library shelves with, including purchasing information from Amazon.ca.
Our rating system includes:
The Very Curious Oenophile – detailed reads on wine, people, places. For wine geeks.
Wine Reference Library – worthwhile reference you will refer to often
Wine and Food Enthusiasts – pairing and enjoying life’s best things
The Muscadet of Books – light and easy to enjoy and understand