Product Details
Hardcover: 1280 pages
Publisher: Ecco; Slp edition (Nov. 6 2012)
ISBN-10: 0062206362 ISBN-13: 978-0062206367
Product Dimensions: 8.3 x 19 x 29.2 cm
Shipping Weight: 3 Kg
$164.08 on Amazon.ca
Wine Grapes is worth its 3kg weight in gold to me, a complete guide to 1368 vine varieties, including their origins and flavours. As expected from a project headed by the world's leading wine authority, Jancis Robinson, the detail is outstanding. Together with co-contributors Julia Harding MW and botanist José Vouillamoz, Robinson has created a crucially important alphabetic dictionary for each grape, including origins, parentage, viticultural characteristics, environment and taste profile. Striking hand-coloured illustrations accompany a selection of grapes, as does a fascinating Pinot Pedigree family tree (page 806). From Abbuoto to Zweigelt, and quite literally everything in between, this is a trusted resource you will use for the rest of your wine drinking days.
Rated: Wine Reference Library
Product Details
Hardcover: 1280 pages
Publisher: Ecco; Slp edition (Nov. 6 2012)
ISBN-10: 0062206362 ISBN-13: 978-0062206367
Product Dimensions: 8.3 x 19 x 29.2 cm
Shipping Weight: 3 Kg
$164.08 on Amazon.ca
About The Library
We read as much as we write here on GOW. The Library is a personal list of recommended books to stock your wine library shelves with, including purchasing information from Amazon.ca.
Our rating system includes:
The Very Curious Oenophile – detailed reads on wine, people, places. For wine geeks.
Wine Reference Library – worthwhile reference you will refer to often
Wine and Food Enthusiasts – pairing and enjoying life’s best things
The Muscadet of Books – light and easy to enjoy and understand